The cause of gas poisoning of the family in the village of Turinskaya Sloboda was an inoperative damper near the boiler

18 December 2017, 09:40 | The Company
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Details of the emergency in the village of Turinskaya Sloboda. According to the updated data, three people were hospitalized with signs of gas poisoning. Earlier it was reported that the victims were seven. At the moment there is only one child in the hospital.

As reported in the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region, on Saturday, December 16, two families applied for medical assistance. The owners of the house - a couple with two children - and another family with a child who came to visit them.

Based on the results of the survey, 3 people were hospitalized - two adults and one child.

"Yesterday adults were discharged, at present there is a child in the hospital, but not because of gas poisoning, but because of a cold. The preliminary cause of the incident is a leak of carbon monoxide. The damper at the gas boiler did not work, in connection with which the carbon monoxide did not leave. At the same time, the gas boiler house in this house was in the basement ", - noted in the supervision department.

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