Ukraine fell to 172nd place in the birth rate

18 December 2017, 05:10 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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According to official data of the State Statistical Office of Ukraine, only for three quarters of this year Ukrainians were less than 150 thousand people. At the same time, high mortality in the country is supplemented by a very low birth rate.

At the same time, among the main reasons for this state, the agency refers to the financial inability to provide the child with the desired level of well-being.

Young mothers complain more often that state payments are not enough even for diapers.

In turn, the Ministry of Social Policy assures that they have repeatedly advocated an increase in payments, but in their opinion, this may not give the desired effect. According to the profile minister, in the Soviet Union there were labor dynasties. We have a dynasty of recipients of social assistance.

These are whole families who do not work, but whole families sit on social benefits, the minister explained..

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in the Czech Republic last year the number of children born increased by almost two thousand and is more than 112 thousand.

In Hungary and Austria, the birth rate increased by almost three thousand, in these countries more than 95 thousand and more than 87 thousand children were born, respectively. It is noteworthy that Austria demonstrates an increase in the birth rate over the past five years.

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