In Spain, sharply raised the status of pets

18 December 2017, 00:17 | The Company
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Deputies of the Spanish Parliament unanimously voted to change the status of domestic animals. Now dogs, cats, guinea pigs and other "smaller brothers" are officially recognized as subjects of law and "living beings" although the law does not put them on the same level as people.

Animal companions can not be described as payment of debts for mortgages or loans, and during divorce the judge will have to decide which of the former spouses the pet will remain with. In the calculation will be taken the interests of family members and the welfare of domestic animals. Responsibilities for caring for them can be distributed equally.

Earlier in Spain, pets were equated to property like a car or household appliances, they could even be seized, writes EuroPulse.

Subjects of the law recognize animals in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Portugal. In Spain, as part of the campaign for the adoption of this law, more than 240 thousand signatures were collected on the Internet platform Change. org under the slogan "Animals are not things". The draft law was introduced by the ruling People's Party, other parliamentary parties also supported it.

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