Check the tree: in Ukraine, a mobile application has been created

16 December 2017, 15:10 | The Company
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The State Agency for Forest Resources has created a mobile application that will help to check the origin and legality of the New Year tree. This is stated on the website of GOSLESAGENTSTVO.

Verification of the legitimacy of the origin of the tree occurs by entering the number from a self-adhesive label or tag that is attached to the Christmas tree, to the mobile application on the phone.

Such a label contains an individual number and a corresponding bar code, which is entered in a single system of electronic records of wood.

In the event that information is not available, this may indicate a dubious origin of the Christmas tree.

This year, plans to implement about 550 thousand. PC. Christmas trees. If left unrealized Christmas trees are left, they are given to kindergartens, schools, to decorate churches for the Christmas holidays, reports the Main.

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