Ukrainians warned about the possible flooding of the route "Kiev-Chop"

15 December 2017, 20:01 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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The water level in the rivers will increase by the results of precipitation. Such data was disseminated by the press service of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. For example - on the river Staraya, the overflow of the Kiev-Chop highway in the area with. Znatsevo in Transcarpathia. Thus, in the lower part of p. Borzhava with rising water level will flood the road Shalanki - B. Komiats, agricultural lands and household plots of a number of settlements Irshavsky, as well as Vinogradovsky districts. The most severe flood situation will be in the lower reaches of the Transcarpathian rivers: Uzh, Staraya, Latoritsa, as well as Borzhava.

As reported URA-Inform, in Transcarpathia flooded just two roads.

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