Court in Kharkiv has extended Zaitseva's arrest until February 10

13 December 2017, 17:13 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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Such a decision was taken by the judge of the Kyiv district court Svetlana Muratova, the local newspaper SQ.

It is reported that during the trial of Zaitseva prosecution asked to attach to the case the results of forensic medical examination. Later it became known that the term of pre-trial investigation on the fact of the deadly accident in Kharkiv was extended until February 14.

At the same time, Zaitseva herself stressed that she admits her guilt and is ready to incur responsibility. Therefore, she accept any court decision.

By the way, the second participant in the accident, Gennady Dronov, who will also be chosen today as a preventive measure, became ill at the trial. Currently, a man is examined by a doctor.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform," the driver of the Lexus car, 20-year-old Elena Zaitseva, whom the police suspects of hitting 11 pedestrians in the center of Kharkov, pleaded guilty.

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