In Odesina gathered the biggest New Year tree in Ukraine from colored pencils

13 December 2017, 15:41 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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This is reported by the Duma.

According to the district center Lyudmila Prokopechko, the New Year's beauty took 23 thousand 183 pencils. In particular, all these funds were brought by people from Dobroslav.

Also note that the height of the tree is two meters and 45 cm.

"The record will be recorded on St. Nicholas Day, December 19," - said Prokopecko.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform, in the capital on Sofia Square completed installation work on the installation of the main Christmas tree in the country. However, the branches of the New Year tree still remained bound. When already start to decorate the festive beauty and how long will it take?.

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