Israeli expert proposed a cardinal measure for strengthening the Ukrainian army

13 December 2017, 13:55 | The Company
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This was in an interview with Apostrof, a volunteer instructor, a former Israeli army officer Zvi Ariely.

"It is extremely important to create a competitive system. Eliminate the network of military schools, universities and institutes. Because they are not needed. This is nonsense. Is Israel a bad army? No. And there is not a single military institute or university there! Or military departments in civilian universities. If you ask someone, and if you have a military department at the Haifa Technion (the Israeli analogue of the KPI), then at first you will not understand, and then they will laugh for a long time. Why teach a man for four years is not clear to what? Will he become a general immediately after graduation? Will not, "- said the instructor.

He believes that the system of military education must be built on specialized courses.

"Here there is a soldier. If he is a very good soldier and wants to go further (because not only abilities, but also motivation are important), then he must be sent to the special course of the squad leader. And so on - to the highest positions. You can not become a platoon commander in Israel without going through an officer's course. But the fact that you have passed this course and become an officer does not mean that you will be able to become a company. No. If you are a good platoon leader, you, maybe, will become a company after passing another officer course, which prepares you for this post. And so on, "- says Arieli.

He also drew attention to the fact that Ukrainian military educational institutions do not prepare graduates for the realities of modern military operations.

"And why military institutions are needed? They do not give a civilian specialty, do not prepare for something useful, and if they prepare, it is too long and too inefficient. I'm not talking about the training program itself. From what I heard, these programs absolutely do not correspond absolutely to any modern standards and the realities of modern military conflicts. I will not even begin to enumerate what exactly. I will only say that they continue to use the new Ukrainian versions of the old Soviet textbooks, the old Soviet principles. Quite a few people who have been in real battles and learned from their own experience are taught by people who know about the war only from textbooks that have no practical experience. Some have experience that completely does not correspond to current conditions and challenges, "the Israeli instructor said..

"Therefore, we need to remove all these institutions and make courses instead. That the army was built exclusively on competition. That people move forward depending on the results shown, on their motivation and leadership level. So that even in the minds of no one would arise to say to the platoon commander:

"Hear, close your mouth, so that you can not be heard at all, because you are nobody". And this happens often. Because not all commanders are leaders. What kind of leader is he if he received an asterisk simply because he graduated from the Department of Informatics and Computer Science at a civil university? What is the connection at all? In addition, the transition to a system of courses instead of years of training will also save a lot of money, "added Zvi Ariely.

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