"Why Soldan did not alienate Alina Danchenko for" special tariffs "for the smuggler Alperin?", - Yuri Karmazin

13 December 2017, 12:07 | The Company
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However, the acting head of GFSU, Miroslav Prodan, has not yet bothered to conduct an internal service investigation into the facts of involvement in customs frauds of the Director of the Customs Administration Department of Alina Danchenko and other officials. This was stated by the President of the Institute of Law and Society Yuri Karmazin, commenting on the development of events around the high-profile corruption scandal. The human rights activist said that after the criminal schemes for minimizing customs payments for importing companies Vadim Alperin, announced on November 24, 2017, the Institute of Law and Society sent statements to the SBU, the National Security Service, the GPU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to initiate criminal proceedings and bring to criminal liability of smuggler accomplices. In particular, Alina Danchenko, who turned a blind eye to understated customs clearance payments.

"At the moment, law enforcement agencies have registered and accepted my applications for consideration. We will follow the further reaction. At the same time, it is striking and discouraging that. head GFSU Miroslav Prodan finger on the finger did not hit to expose and punish corrupt officials among their subordinates who, in fact, were the main organizers and executors of criminal customs schemes.

Neither with regard to the director of the Department of Customs Administration Alina Danchenko, who is obliged to monitor and suppress the understatement of rates, nor in relation to other officials, Soldan did not even bother to conduct an internal service investigation. Not to mention the relevant appeals to the competent authorities. It seems that Prodan, like Danchenko, was either in the subject of Alperin, or in a share with him, "says Karmazin.

The human rights activist recalled that after NABU and the Kyiv prosecutor's office opened a criminal investigation into the minimization of customs payments by Alperin's group, high-ranking GFSU officials, including Danchenko, came up with a new scheme for smuggling budget funds on an especially large scale.

"Firms Alperin was established so-called" special tariff ". Unlike other suppliers, Odessa swindler importers cleared fabrics at a price of $ 2.05 / kg, while the official minimum customs rate is $ 3.75 / kg. Only for the first two weeks of November 2017, Danchenko, in a possible criminal conspiracy with Alperin, caused damage to the state in the amount of $ 461,232 (12292 million UAH), "stated Yuri Karmazin. According to the human rights activist, Alina Danchenko should be responsible for the schemes implemented by criminal groups with impunity.

"The Department of Administration of Customs Payments GFSU assigned the functions of organizing and monitoring the timeliness of payment of customs payments, the application of the measures of customs and tariff regulation of foreign economic activity stipulated by law, the organization of control over the correctness of determining the customs value of goods. Thus, in the actions of Alina Danchenko, at least the signs of a crime envisaged by Art.. 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ", - summed up the president of the Institute of Law and Society.

Source: apostrophe. ua.

Based on materials: capital.ua

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