Orphan from Sysert for 20 years could not get an apartment from the state

13 December 2017, 08:01 | The Company
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Administration Sysert almost 20 years ignored the statement of the local orphan to provide her with housing. The case moved from a dead center only after appealing to the prosecutor's office.

For providing a comfortable apartment, the girl applied to the Sysert administration in 1995. Since then, the question was not solved in any way. Desperate to wait for the housing she had put in a good way, she in 2014 appealed to the prosecutor's office.

Based on the audit results, the prosecutor's office sent a statement of claim to the Sysert District Court to the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, the state institution of the Sverdlovsk Region "Housing Fund" with demands for the applicant's living quarters. The court complained of the claims of the supervisory authority in full. Orphan has received a well-appointed apartment in a new house in Aramil.

In the same place, 16 more orphans were granted apartments, which also had to go to the prosecutor's office and to the court.

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