The mayor of Old Sambir tried to "foist" a bribe to a policeman

13 December 2017, 06:40 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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The official was trying to bribe two thousand dollars to a policeman. According to the Department of Economic Protection of the National Police, for this amount, he asked to close cases of abuse of power by officials of the local government when purchasing waste collection equipment for budgetary funds.

Law enforcers revealed the fact of overstating the price of equipment for 295 thousand hryvnia. In addition, it did not meet the requirements of the tender documentation.

The investigative department of the regional prosecutor's office opened a criminal case and identified the persons involved in this crime.

Funds and physical evidence have been withdrawn and the issue of reporting a suspicion to an intruder.

Recall, as reported URA-Inform, in Zaporozhye police detained his colleague. The senior sergeant of the Aleksandrovsky district department of the National Police was caught on a bribe. He demanded from the crew of the ship "Ukrrechflot" a hundred thousand hryvnia.

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