Top 5 original gifts to your beloved for the New Year 2018

13 December 2017, 01:09 | The Company
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Gift for your beloved on New Year's Eve is a difficult task, but feasible. We reject immediately TOP-5 variants of boring presents.



Elements of clothing.

Souvenirs made in China.


If the fantasy is exhausted, then the most original gifts for the New Year in the review of TOP-5.

Whiskey Tasting Alcoholic New Year's gifts are always interesting. A professional sommelier will tell you everything about the history of a strong drink, with what products it is combined and where the best samples are produced. And all this in parallel with the tasting. On the table will be 6 rare types of whiskey - malt and blended. Gift for the beloved for the New Year will be both tasty and cognitive.

Arrival on a racing car New Year's gifts can be extreme. If your man loves cars, he will come to an indescribable delight from the opportunity to ride a real racing car - an improved Ford Fiesta. Gift for your beloved for the New Year will be unforgettable. The champion of Ukraine in racing motorsport will tell you what the sensors are responsible for, and will explain how to behave correctly at a speed of 200 km / h. On safety, one should not worry - on the spot they will provide special equipment. Such New Year's gifts will not be forgotten.

Beer evenings in the pub Let him finally have a rest with his friends. Such a gift to your beloved for the New Year will please any man. Companies will provide a deposit - for the amount they will be able to order everything that you like in the menu of the institution. It features a variety of snacks, hot and desserts. Mental "gatherings" for a purely masculine conversation will take place under a glass of quality and tasty beer. Christmas gifts, shared with friends, will bring a lot of colorful impressions.

Personal fitness trainer This gift to your beloved on New Year's Day will allow him not to adjust to the schedule of the coach in the sports club - the question of the queue will not affect him. He will be able to ask his mentor the goal that he wants to achieve, and an experienced athlete will help her achieve. The training time is not limited, which allows you to stay in the room as long as you want. During the exercises, the second half can bring the muscles into tone, improve the body relief and increase endurance. A nice bonus is visiting the Finnish sauna. New Year's gifts can be both pleasant and useful.

Recording a single A present for a loved one for the New Year should fulfill dreams. He always wanted to become a world-famous singer, but only humming while vacuuming? It is necessary to correct this situation and choose something from the category of "creative New Year gifts". For example, recording a single. He will perform his favorite composition under the "minus" and will be able to enjoy it together with his second half.

If the hearing does not work out, an experienced sound engineer will help correct this little oversight in a special program. Profi will reduce the track and send it to the artist by e-mail..

New Year's gifts are always nice. To really please your young man, you do not have to run around in a panic on December 31st. To choose a gift for a loved one for the New Year is worth in advance - the certificate is valid for six months from the date of its acquisition.

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