Why Ukrainians buy diplomas

13 December 2017, 01:09 | The Company
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Every year an increasing number of Ukrainians prefer to purchase a diploma of many years of study at the university. It's not a secret for anyone that now it is almost impossible to find a good job without a higher education, but is the purchase of a diploma a worthy alternative to traditional education? We tried to understand the advantages of buying a diploma and found several main reasons.

Reason # 1: TIME.

Let's count: to receive a bachelor's diploma will take at least four years, and for a master's degree, you need two more ... And this is only the full-time form of training. And then the owners of the "treasured piece of paper" can not find a job because of a lack of professional experience. On the other hand, a person who has spent these years on the practical development of the profession may not be promoted through the ranks due to the lack of a diploma of higher education. In that case, the ideal option is to buy the right document without spending precious time studying the disciplines that will never be useful, sitting in dusty auditoriums and exhausting the surrender of sessions, coursework, practices, and so on..

Reason # 2: MONEY.

Do you think that buying a diploma is expensive? Then you need to calculate how much it costs each year to study at the university. A modern person is not ready to spend half of his salary every month in order to pay "prestigious" training once a year. In addition, there is always the chance to meet with corrupt teachers, requiring a round sum for each test and examination. Do you intend to take everything yourself? Then you will have to purchase a huge amount of educational material and, again, spend time and effort to study it. Nobody says that the same philosophy and literature are unnecessary. But are you ready to sacrifice professional interests in favor of what will not affect your career growth?.


In fact, a diploma is needed only for the potential employer to see in your resume a "profile education". No one cares about the color of the diploma, and a loose leaf with grades is needed unless in order to warm the soul to the diligent student during the long months of job search. Any professional is valued for his skills, and a diploma is only a formality, without which, at the same time, one can not occupy a prestigious position.

Reason # 4: CAREER.

As a rule, university students can not fully work and simply "sit on their parents' neck". At the same time, for 5-7 years you can start your own business from scratch and become seriously wealthy. While peers "bite the granite of science", you can become a successful person and buy even a few diplomas, while to get two or three higher educations will take dozens of years.

Source: NewsMe

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