Avdeevka was left without light because of bombardment of terrorists

11 December 2017, 19:50 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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Such data was disseminated in the message of the Government of Donetsk region. According to this information - the shelling was recorded on December 11 at 14:00 and was conducted from the rocket system "Grad". Victims among civilians were not - said in a statement.

It is also noted that the shells fell 200 meters from the Avdiivka Coke Plant. As a result of this bombardment, the electric support was damaged, and for this reason part of the city was left without light for half an hour. Soon, electricity was restored - clarified in the press service.

As reported URA-Inform, in the Donbass in the units of militants began to recruit people with criminal records.

Based on materials: http

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