How Ukrainians will rest in December and January

11 December 2017, 11:56 | The Company
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The first long weekend will start on Saturday, December 23. Ukrainians will rest on Sunday, December 24 and Monday, December 25, which from this year is considered a festive.

Next week there will be three more days off: Saturday, Sunday 30 and 31 December and Monday, 1 January.

After the meeting of the new year, the Ukrainians will work for four days and on Saturday, January 6, they will leave for a three-day weekend.

On Sunday, January 7, Christmas is celebrated according to the Orthodox rite, writes 2day. kh. ua.

According to the legislation of Ukraine, if the day off and the holiday coincide, the next Monday after them is considered to be a day off, so January 8 will be a non-working day.

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