In California, again announced the evacuation due to forest fires

11 December 2017, 08:22 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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In the state again there was a probability of the threat of forest fires. Evacuation is carried out in two cities - Carpinteria and Montesito.

As reported by the CBS television channel, referring to the words of the representative of the fire department, evacuation should not be carried out when it is already necessary to extinguish the fire. If rescuers are notified of evacuation, they should leave the area as quickly as possible, he explained, adding that the state now has six fires that spread over an area of ??708 thousand square meters.

The fire has already destroyed 793 buildings, under the threat of destruction are still 25 thousand buildings.

At the moment, fire in the state are fighting 8,5 thousand firefighters.

Recall, in California again raging forest fires. The authorities of the District of Ventura declared a state of emergency in connection. As stated on Wednesday morning, December 6, Governor Jerry Brown, the reason for such steps is the spread of the flame in an area of ??about 180 square meters.

As reported URA-Inform, because of fires already evacuated 212 thousand people, confirmed the death of a woman in an accident during evacuation.

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