In Volhynia miners staged a protest action

27 November 2017, 16:01 | The Company
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So, the protest action was organized by miners in Novovolynsk. It is known that dozens of miners now do not rise to the surface. About this with the help of Facebook said the head of the independent trade union of miners Mikhail Volynets.

According to his words - since November 26, 21 workers of the mine "Buzhanskaya" of the State Enterprise "Volynyugol" are underground. They were joined by another 40 miners from the first shift, who had already descended into the mine - Volynets noted. It is known that employees of the state enterprise "Volynyugol" demand to eliminate debts on wages. Now workers of the mine "Buzhanskaya" owe more than 16 million hryvnia for three months.

As reported URA-Inform, before the miners staged a protest in the Kirovograd region.

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