"News is cocaine": the fourth season of the project "Drusi for Zbruchem" from UCU

27 November 2017, 15:41 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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This was reported by the correspondent of "URA-Inform".

In particular, the master classes talked about how such niche publications can survive on the Internet and find their audience. In addition, many opinions were voiced at the conference, but all the lecturers agreed on the same issue.

According to editor-in-chief of the online edition of Karabas Live, Igor Panasov, cultural journalism is most popular first of all when it is linked to other sectors (politics, economics, resonant incidents, and so on. Without a nationwide news update, the niche edition will not survive on the market.

In general, experts believe that cultural journalism is not a boon, but it is not ordinary.

"Do not hope that the rate only for humor and scandals will raise your publication to the top. But also you can not write about ordinary events and people: the reader will not be interested in something that is not interesting and incomprehensible to you personally, "- said the editor-in-chief of the online publication Buro247 Ukraine Alexey Tarasov.

Towards the end the conference lecturers added that as soon as the journalist begins to write what everyone likes, he is no longer a professional.

Therefore, critics should not be afraid - it must be loved.

It should be noted that the "Drusi for Zbruchem" is an educational and educational project for students, allows them to attend master classes. Recall, as previously reported by URA-Inform, the hybrid war gave rise to the caste of "hybrid" journalists in Ukraine. They act in the trend of Russian propaganda. Their media activity is aimed at discrediting the country. In their information exhaustion there is no coherent point of view of the Ukrainian side.

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