Lviv for the day got rid of 700 tons of garbage

25 June 2017, 17:44 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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So, from n. Approximately 700 tons of waste were transported within 24 hours. At the same time, about 36 percent of garbage dumps, where there are approximately ten thousand 730 tons of solid waste, still remain overloaded. These data were disseminated in the press service of the City Council.

The maximum number of overloaded sites remains in the Shevchenko district, as well as in the Sikhovsky. In general, the housing fund still has 448 garbage sites, which are overloaded. At the transshipment stations there are about four thousand tons of un-exported wastes.

As reported URA-Inform, earlier in the past. Lviv citizens even blocked the street - in protest against not taken out garbage.

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