About the prostitute, saving lives of fighters

25 June 2017, 15:50 | The Company
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Today my brother returned from a foreign country. At the beginning of the 15th he was struck by a Russian screw. Heavy three hundredth of these are called. We thought there would be 200, and not a fig - the rascists had strongly angered him that winter. Dnieper doctors (I will not forget the age!) Rescued him. The Israeli helped with rehabilitation. Friends organized a trip to France.

But it's not about him. And about a girl from the Donetsk region. Which completely paid all the expenses for the return to life of a simple starlet of the Special Forces of the Security Council and another one of the same three hundredth sergeant.

The girl lives. I will not say, but the last time on skype called Dubai. And officially works. Dancer.

I know her as the goddess of striptease.

Evil tongues claim to be actually working in an escort.

Yes, you understood what it was about.

But you know. I absolutely FSUs on everything that can about this girl hang on your ears! Even if she does, I will not cease to be her friend and also defend her honor. Because she's a Man with a capital letter.

I suspect not only through me that she helped the front, and where much more savvy sycophants and other Porritskaya shushers.

And in conclusion I will say. I'm closer to honest prostitutes, saving lives of fighters, rather than embroidered rabble, boasting of its own morality and thoroughly rotten "spirituality".

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