On the other side of the monitor: the psychologist explained how people are manipulated in social networks

25 June 2017, 00:54 | The Company
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Any user of social networks becomes easily accessible for manipulation, if he spends a long time behind the monitor. When a person is tired, then in this case he falls into a trance state and his behavior is subject to programming.

This is on air "The Observer. LIVE "stated the candidate of psychological sciences, Ph.D. PhD, the leading researcher of the laboratory of general and ethnic psychology Natalia Bugaeva.

So, answering the question about stereotypes, norms and manipulations in social networks, she said: "When a person constantly looks at the monitor, then he gradually becomes tired".

"A large amount of information that enters the brain, over time, causes a defensive reaction - inhibition, the so-called semi-hypnotic state," the expert explained..

According to the psychologist, in children and adolescents this state begins in 15-20 minutes, and in adults - after 40-50 minutes, conducted on the Internet.

"You can easily determine that a person has fallen into such a state, according to a stiff look," Bugayeva stressed..

"In this state of trance, all the information that comes to us is no longer analyzed by a person, because he is tired. However, the functions of its sealing increase. In this state, a person becomes easily accessible for manipulation, for programming behavior, "she said..

The expert advised taking breaks every 40-50 minutes spent at the computer.

"It is necessary for a person to change the type of activity and thus come out of this state," said the candidate of science.

"From this state of good displays strong cotton. If you feel that something is happening to you, you need to clap your hands and bring yourself back to reality. Walk and then return to work again, "- added Bugayeva.

As reported by the "Observer", Bugaeva explained how terrorists use the Internet for the recruitment of suicide bombers.

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Based on materials: youtube.com

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