Money smells: Media on deconstruction of Ukrainian statehood

24 June 2017, 17:10 | The Company
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The Ukrainian media field consists of two parts.

In one part - the Ukrainian mass media proper: left-liberal, right-liberal, right-conservative. Pro-ruling and opposition. Self-supporting and subsidized. Engaged and neutral. Boring and interesting. Professional and not very. Observing standards and violating them.

And in its second part - the site, the owners of which in one way or another solve the problem of deconstruction of Ukrainian statehood. The media that receive money from Moscow or from the former entourage of Viktor Yanukovych. They pay big salaries and do not save on expenses. They can be different in terms of professionalism, but their owners hardly want the victory of Ukraine in the war that began three years ago.

It's really very convenient - do not worry about whose hands you take money from. To think that you are in opposition, not noticing that you are on the other side of the trenches. Consider that you are not responsible for the media in which you work. Calm yourself by the fact that "all the same". Moreover, people who are aimed at the idea of ??

revenge are ready to pay an order of magnitude more than the market average. Good anesthesia of conscience.

In addition, you can always reassure yourself that the memory of Ukrainian society - like a goldfish. That any page in the workbook is easily turned over. That money does not smell.

Now, this is not true.. Smell.

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