Ukraine and China will cooperate in the field of education

24 June 2017, 12:58 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The report says that the plan concerns olympiads in languages, an increase in student exchange and the promotion of the opening of dual diploma programs.

"Improving the legal basis for educational cooperation, exchanging information on educational policies in Ukraine and China, promoting the study of the Chinese language in Ukraine and the Ukrainian in China and the expansion of direct cooperation between universities - the main points of this plan. I think that in all these areas we will be able to achieve progress as soon as possible, "added the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grinevich.

In addition, special attention at the meeting was focused on inter-university cooperation.

"The development of relations between universities is very important.

Over the past 5 years, the relations between our universities have deepened considerably in the conduct of the last subcommittee, and this is beneficial to both parties. Ukraine has a solid foundation and scientific schools that occupy the first places in the world, while the universities of the PRC have recently shown themselves well in the field of innovation. I think the deepening of such ties will be very mutually beneficial, "said Chinese Minister of Education Chen Baoshcheng.

Earlier, URA-Inform reported that Ukraine and China signed a contract to conduct dredging operations in the seaport "Yuzhny".

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