North Korea denies torture of a deceased student from the United States

24 June 2017, 12:30 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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This information is transmitted by the Air Force.

The report says that according to the representative of Pyongyang, the student returned home "in his normal state of health". Earlier, the Wormbier family reported that he fell into a coma and in such a state he was taken to the US.

In the DPRK they said that the fact of the sudden death of a guy less than a week after his return to the US is a mystery to them.

The representative of the DPRK also added that accusations of the country's torture of the student "were groundless".

"Those who have no idea how we humanely treated the Wormbier case, dare to talk about" bad attitude "and" torture ", - said the DPRK official.

Let's remind that Otto Vormbyer was 23 years old. He came to North Korea in winter 2015 together with a tourist group, where he was arrested for attempting to steal from a hotel in Pyongyang a poster with a propaganda slogan.

Supreme Court of North Korea sentenced a student from the United States to 15 years in a labor colony.

After the trial, he spoke at a press conference in Pyongyang and admitted his guilt.

In June 2017 it became known that Wormbier returned to the United States in a coma after being released from custody in North Korea.

In North Korea, then, it was announced that Otto Wormbier had contracted botulism and fell into a coma after taking a sleeping pill last year.

Earlier, URA-Inform reported that on June 19 in the US, a student who was released from the captivity of the DPRK.

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