Sverdlovsk GUFSIN confirmed cases of torture in the colony of Nizhny Tagil

23 June 2017, 17:48 | The Company
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Vrio head of the GUFSIN of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region Oleg Davidenko said that information about torture in the correctional colony No. 5 of Nizhny Tagil is "partially confirmed". So he answered the request of State Duma deputy Andrei Alshevsky.

"Unfortunately, he did not disclose details. Although this is also indicative, "- said the people's choice.

Earlier, one of the prisoners Farukh Berdiyev told about the torture of the Academy of Sciences "Between the lines".

He said that he even had to rip open his stomach to stop being mocked. After this incident the prisoner was transferred to colony No. 26 of Tavda. There, at a meeting with human rights activists, he told about violence in the Lower Taty.

On June 9, investigators opened a criminal case on the basis of the crime provided for. "A", h. 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code ("Excess of official authority with the use of violence or with the threat of its use").

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