Tagilchan through the court requires a billion from Patriarch Kirill for insulting the feelings of a secular person

23 June 2017, 10:39 | The Company
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The head of the emerging political party "World Matriarchy", Tagilskan Farit Barashev is preparing a lawsuit against Patriarch Kirill. The essence of the claim, which the author sends to the Tagilstroevsky District Court of Nizhny Tagil, boils down to insulting the feelings of a secular person. In compensation, the plaintiff claims 1 billion rubles.

"The story of the blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky is indicative, no secular organization has interceded for him. Today we see a clear distinction between secular society and the ROC, but this should not be. It is not necessary to separate the church from the state, the ROC is the same institution, the servants are Russian citizens. They must comply with the norms and laws of civil society and live according to the Constitution, "- says in a conversation with JustMedia. Ru Farit Barashev.

Tagilchanin believes that the church should not have judged the Pokemon catcher.

"We have today anyone can grab, come up with an accusation and put him in a vacuum, so that he can do some kind of public relations on this, raise the rating, and then everything is intelligently brought out with a rhetorical language. In fact, the guy was given to the wolves to be eaten. Wolves in sheep's clothing, "says Barashev.

The plaintiff asserts that today the church has accounts in banks, it is not separated from politics, it opens commercial establishments, participates in the education of children and must obey the laws of the state. All claims that now arise to the ROC, Barashev addresses Patriarch Kirill as the head of the church.

"Believers use in their vocabulary the words" shepherd "and" sheep ".

That is, the Patriarch is a shepherd, and parishioners are sheep, and they do not take offense at these words. People believers speak of themselves as a herd, and this is the norm. But in a secular state, we have a society, not a herd, "says the plaintiff.

Barashev says that you need to "rake up the mess" in the church and reform the spiritual institution that was created for centuries.

"In order for society to cease to be a herd," the plaintiff sums up. "By the way, this billion will go to reform the church".

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