In the ATO zone mines "frogs"

22 June 2017, 14:18 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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In addition, an artillery shell was discovered, as well as a tank. Today such information came from the press center of the SBU. According to the data - law enforcement officers detected six min-frogs, as well as several shells.

As a result, these munitions were given for the purpose of destroying them to the division of the State Emergency Services. In the same place, where there was still a shelling in n. Novolugansk, revealed a 30-mm shot to the infantry fighting vehicle. This shot was made, according to experts - in 2008 and the APU it does not belong.

As reported URA-Inform, in the Donbass in the places of ATU for 24 last hours one security officer was wounded, another one - was injured.

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