Under the threat of a breakdown concert of Arsen Mirzoyan and Tony Matviyenko in Great Britain

22 June 2017, 13:57 | The Company
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If suddenly, you decided to apply to the UK visa center, then you should buy flight tickets in advance, a cruise from England, other cultural events and business meetings is not worth it.. It also does not make sense to appoint a concert with a fixed date and preliminary sale of tickets, as in our case with a concert by Arsen Mirzoyan and Antonina Matvienko.

Last week, during the wedding of artists, we made a video announcement and invited representatives of the British diaspora to a concert in the Ukrainian cultural center of London. We were absolutely sure that the documents we collected for obtaining visas, pre-paid flight tickets and, most importantly, extra paid for speed, namely, for a separate tariff for processing documents within five working days, give us hope to hold a concert in appointed time.

In the visa center, we were simply explained that the consulate does not give guarantees for consideration of our documents for exactly five days, but additional fee is charged at a separate tariff. We were reassured that for this money our documents will be considered one of the first, but politely added - if possible. Why our optimism completely nullified the legitimate way to get to England. We were even hinted that if you are so trendy and famous, you probably have someone to call and speed up the procedure for obtaining a visa.

To our regret, Arsen and Antonina did not appear on corporate parties in the British Embassy, ??so there are no personal ties. In my case, the book that we noisily presented yesterday, has not yet been translated into English, and is unlikely to be so popular in the UK in the near future. Therefore, I can not use the administrative resource, and it's not something that is European in some way. Accordingly, my presentation of the book in London, scheduled for the concert of Mirzoyan and Matviyenko on June 24, automatically flies in the same way.

It's a shame that purchased tickets beforehand disappear, the rented hall, sound, light will not be in demand. And the most insulting, people who have bought several hundred tickets for the concert - we are deceived, in the hope of meeting with a bright, clean, native and pleasant (it is with these feelings that I associate the creativity of my friends).

I try to be polite and delicate of the last forces, since Hope dies last. There is a chance that someone smart and strong will read this text and our documents will fall today in Warsaw in the hands of those who are close to the work of Ukrainian artists and a modest novice writer.

In this case, our tickets with a flight for the next morning will be transferred to the evening or Saturday morning and a festival of music and literature in London will take place.

Well, honestly, if you did not pay for expedited consideration of the visa issue, it would not be so offensive. And so it reminds me of soviet bribery, give money, and there it will be seen, if possible.

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