The Ministry of Regional Development identified with the regions-leaders on the formation of effective territorial communities (

21 June 2017, 11:21 | The Company
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The rating of the boule is stocked by the Foreign Ministry for the parameters of the monitoring:.

- the number of common teritorial communities;.

- Area of ??common teritory communities;.

- teritorialnye gromady, scho obedednisya;.

- кількість ОТГ, з чисельністю менше 5000 осіб.

"Mi asked about the main parameters of the efektivnosti prodomozhnostі ob'ednanyh gromad. For us, it is not important that the people of Gromada, the people of the world, or the people who are in need of the capital, do not care about themselves, take care of yourself, "- respecting the Vetce-premier-ministr - The Ministry of Regional Development, Budivnstva, the Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine Gennadiy Zubko, Hour of panel discussions of results of decentralization reforms.

For yogo words, krim zgadanyh parameteryv, takozh prokvazhuyutsya fіnansoviy monіtory prodozhnosti OTG.

"The foremost ostentatnik - the budget of the community of resources for one mezhkantya. Він дозволяє бачити prospect of income for rahunok oblіk zemlі, нерухомості, excise tax. Tse vkazuє na efektivnist upravlinskih rіshen on the maps. The other showpiece - the pool of money for the finance of the country, the рівень її економічної самодостатності. І third - tse vitrati gromadi for management personnel, "- signifying Gennadiy Zubko.

On підставі фінансових показників будуть складатися Моніторинги ефективності ОТГ.

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