The court estimated the bitten fingers of a policeman in Kachkanar at 25,000 rubles

21 June 2017, 10:51 | The Company
photo JustMedia
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In Kachkanar, the court sentenced a local resident who bit a policeman by his fingers. He was found guilty of h. 1 st. 318 of the Criminal Code (the use of violence against a representative of the authorities).

On the morning of December 13, 2016, the defendant was in a public place in a state of intoxication, which violated public order.

Police officers came to the scene of the incident, demanding that the offender show their identity documents and proceed to draw up a protocol on administrative violation in the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Kachkanarsky". At the demands of the police refused, and when he began to "twist", bitten one of the police for the ring finger and little finger of the left hand.

The sentence of the court to the defendant was punished in the form of a fine of 25 thousand rubles.

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