Residents of the Sverdlovsk region moved to Tele2 1.5 times more numbers

21 June 2017, 10:25 | The Company
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Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, notes the growing popularity of the number transfer service (MNP) in the company's network in the Sverdlovsk region. For the first quarter, the number of subscribers who switched to Tele2 while maintaining the number increased by 1.5 compared to the first quarter of 2016.

The procedure for transfer is simple: the subscriber comes to the operator's communication salon in the region or visits the website of the online store and writes an application.

The procedure takes 8 days, provided there is no debt and the correctness of the passport data entered in the database of the previous operator. The subscriber independently determines for him the date of transition in the range from 8 days to 6 months from the date of application.

Tele2 offers new subscribers favorable tariffs and options.

Until the end of August 2017 the company does not charge a fee for the MNP service and provides a bonus of 300 rubles. The subscriber receives a bonus to the account in equal parts for 50 rubles within 6 months after the transfer. The first amount goes to the account immediately, the subsequent credited if the balance is replenished in the previous month by at least 100 rubles. The bonus is credited until the tenth day of each month.

Detailed information on the transfer service is available at mnp. Tele2. En.

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