"System-transformer": in the Dnieper launched a unique traffic light control

15 June 2017, 20:47 | The Company
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In the Dnieper, a unique center of the traffic light control system appeared, which will allow the launch of the first dynamic green wave on the roads in Ukraine.

This was reported by the press service of the Dneprovsky City Council.

"This is a transformer system. In fact, it is a question of the first module regulating the traffic issues, first of all, the work of traffic light systems. We adapt it to the "Safe City" - a joint program with the National Police for the acquisition of video cameras. Also one of the modules of the system in the future will help to combat theft of the elevator economy, "- said the mayor of the city Boris Filatov.

According to him, if there is funding, the project will continue to develop.

"After all, the optimization of traffic flows has strict economic and environmental effects," added the mayor.

The main advantage of the system in the mayor's office is its automaticity: the management in the Center works online. In addition, the system is protected from hacker attacks. The program monitors the technical condition of the traffic lights and, in the event of a breakdown, switches the device into an emergency mode, and then notifies the controllers.

In total, the Center employs 5 operators and one night attendant.

The automated traffic management system in the Dnieper will include all 180 traffic lights of the city. More than half of the devices already connected.

It is planned that all electronic controllers will be equipped with cameras that will monitor the situation on the most demanded road sections. Thus, in the case of an accident or snowfall, when there is a threat of an automobile collapse, traffic lights can be reprogrammed. Also, the system will be able to control and illuminate pedestrian crossings, as well as electronic displays displaying signs and other information for drivers.

"Green Wave" on the Victory Quay will operate under certain speed limits. Depending on traffic intensity, it is possible to pass traffic signals to a green permitting signal. Now this mode is being tested. In the future, a dynamic "green wave" want to form on the main highways of the city, "the press service of the City Council.

According to preliminary estimates, this will reduce the number of unreasonable braking and acceleration, and therefore the road surface will not wear out so intensely, and road safety will increase.

It is specified that this is the first such experience for Ukraine, however in many European capitals such centers have been operating for a long time.

As reported by the "Observer", the number of road traffic victims since the beginning of 2017.

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