Six shells and a girl with a parrot

13 June 2017, 17:49 | The Company
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DOCUMENTS AND HOUSES Oh, you, here with all sorts of things, completely forgot to write about the joy of something!.

Not, first about the history of joy, which begins, as is customary, with anguish.

March 8 this year, the girl Zarina Eminova, her grandmother Tamara Timofeevna, grandfather Vagif, uncle and cousin were left without a home, because in their house hit a shell, and not one but six. The Eminovs lived in the Zhovank of the Donetsk region on the territory controlled by Ukraine. Here is a story about this - my post of May 15 and a request to help with the purchase of housing for Zarina and her family.

In just three days, by May 18, almost 250 thousand rubles and 30 thousand hryvnia.

It was halfway to joy, and on May 31 Tamara Timofeevna Eminova became a full-fledged owner of a cozy house in the town of Chasov Yar of the Donetsk region - and here I put a million exclamation marks.

And I confess my love for the endless, invisible, inaudible, but existing Army of the Ants, and put another million exclamations.

Without you all, nothing would ever work out. Only Together Doing Good - Deadly Happiness.

Well, is not it?.

The next candidate for the house is the family of Rita Leonova from the village of Nevelskoy.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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