In the Ministry of Internal Affairs have thought up how to disaccustom Ukrainians to buy to themselves a motor vehicle

13 June 2017, 17:08 | The Company
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Next week, the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will introduce new exam tickets according to the rules of the road (SDA). This was stated by the head of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladislav Krikly, Ukrinform reports..

"We have planned the introduction of new examination tickets next week (SDA, - Ed.. ) ", - said Crikly.

According to him, the results of public discussion of new tickets on traffic rules are "rabid", as more than 110,000 various comments and suggestions were received.

He specified that 11 thousand Ukrainians joined the process.

"And by the end of the year, we will also necessarily launch the fixation of exams for both the theoretical and practical part of the exams (for obtaining driving licenses, - Ed.. ) On the camera. We will eliminate those corruption components that citizens constantly complain about, and we will have to forget about some theoretical opportunity to acquire rights without knowledge, "the head of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

January 25, it was reported that in Ukraine, it is planned to reduce the validity of the driver's license, depending on the transport category to 5-15 years.

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