A Ukrainian who fled to the Russian Federation called to kill protest Russian children

13 June 2017, 17:04 | The Company
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A well-known supporter of the Ukrainian "anti-Maidan" Yuri Kot, who fled to Russia, called for using "radical methods" towards young people who participated in large-scale opposition protests in Russia.

He writes about this in his Facebook.

In particular, the Cat cited the example of Ukraine. He stated that some of the parents of the youth participating in the Maidan "like Taras Bulba would have strangled their offspring" if they knew about the consequences of the protests.

"Navalnyata - these are our children. Those also started with smiles, cool selfies and the image of fighters with the regime. Then there was a coup d'etat, burnt Odessa and the nazis. But all with the same half-smile. This is a diagnosis. And it can be treated only by parents. Strap. And where it is necessary and more radical methods.

For your children in this format - a grief for the state, "he stressed..

"By the way, I look at these well-fed idiots. Surely in the pocket most of them iPhone. They wear not cheap clothes. Most likely their parents are not poor people. "- added the" anti-Maidan ".

As reported by the "Observer", earlier Russian schoolchildren who took part in anti-corruption rallies in Moscow, told how their teachers react to protests.

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