You did it! Lithuanian gesture against Ukrainians struck Russians

11 June 2017, 17:12 | The Company
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Despite the anti-Ukrainian hysteria in the Russian media regarding the provision of visa-free travel with the European Union, some Russians keep a sound mind and, together with Ukrainians, rejoice at this event.

"Vilnius Airport Today. The meeting of the first flight from Ukraine after the abolition of visas with the EU, "wrote former head of the Tomsk office of the United Civil Front Garry Kasparov on Facebook, and now a resident of Lithuania Ivan Tyutrin.

The Russian journalist Elena Rykovtseva was pleased for the citizens of Ukraine.

"What kind of Lithuanians are good fellows. It's nice to see this against the backdrop of all this hateful hysteria over the visa-free travel. TV channels. "There is nothing to celebrate, as Ukrainians themselves tell us," he categorically reports from Kiev. "Vesti". Well, Lithuania does not think so, "she said..

At the same time, the Russian journalist Igor Svinarenko drew attention to another moment.

"And our chiefs will now tell us what all decent people in Russia are under sanctions and they do not care? I wonder what will be the arguments. It will be said that Ukrainians hang the Negroes. Although not, the Negroes are different, the Pindos, "he wrote.

As reported by the "Observer", on the night of June 11, came into force the decision of the European Union on visa-free travel of Ukrainian citizens.

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