Among the Ukrainians, the excitement around the first visa-free train

11 June 2017, 16:50 | The Company
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In Poland, Przemysl from Kiev went the first visa-free train, which travels a group of more than 40 Ukrainian journalists, activists and experts.

"The Polish border guards are trying very hard not to expel anyone from the first visa-free train," wrote Alexander Sushko, chairman of the board of the International Renaissance Foundation on his Facebook page..

Even more enthusiastic was the post of journalist Kristina Berdinskikh.

"Polish border guards checked only passports, did not ask for anything. One person was asked: "Do you have money with you?".

Answered "is". How many did not ask and did not ask. The check takes 30 seconds-1 minute). By the way, those who travel on the old passport with a visa check longer, because they check the fingerprint. Everything is fine, and so be it every day, "- she wrote.

As reported by the "Observer", on the night of June 11, came into force the decision of the European Union on visa-free travel of Ukrainian citizens.

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