"I'm looking for a criminal investigation": a well-known АТОшник made a statement

11 June 2017, 15:57 | The Company
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Ukrainian military and blogger Valery Ananyev looking for a criminal investigation.

This is evidenced by the post on his Facebook page.

"Yesterday I learned that I was looking for a criminal investigation. There is a chance that today on Maidan our gallant police will also come to meet with me. I do not know whether to arrest or hand over a pizza. But they want to show me that I ran away from the unit.

Is it funny? I understand perfectly well that the matter is, in fact, in something else (because I was fired 8 months ago). Yesterday the deputy. The head of the criminal investigation department of the city "X" already tried to convince me that I need to meet with him and "decide" the question, "he wrote.

As reported by the "Observer", earlier the Ukrainian military told how he tried to recruit the FSB.

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