Battle for the Gutter: Specific Information

11 June 2017, 00:16 | The Company
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Was yesterday in Lisichansk, communicated with the soldiers of the 93rd mechanized brigade, who fought on June 7 under the village Zhelobok. So now I can detail what happened.

Specific data on losses in this area on June 7: two of our fighters were killed, nineteen were injured of varying severity and concussion. Officially, initially claimed one dead. But the body of the second was taken only the next day.

The 1st and 2nd battalions of the 93rd mechanized brigade on a broad front came out on a number of sectors to the Bahmut route. This progress has been ongoing for the last 8 months and is carried out on different sites. The fighting on June 7 received resonance as a result of the panic of the Russian command, a number of contact fights that day between small combat groups of infantry, and the use of Russian artillery.

Attacks were made by two small shock groups of up to a platoon each, formed as part of battalions. A number of tactically important positions were occupied, as well as a small village of Zhelobok from two dozen houses on the highway itself and an enemy strongpoint. Our artillery did not prepare the attack, the tanks were not used. However, groups of volunteers all the same went ahead.

Our infantry once again proved its superiority over Russian mercenaries. Combat protection of the enemy from the 14th battalion of territorial defense and the 4th motorized rifle brigade was partially destroyed, partly fled. In this phase of the battle, our losses were not.

However, since the attack was carried out with small forces and with limited goals, a few hours later the Russian mercenaries came to their senses and pulled up tactical reserves from the 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps of Occupiers. The counterattack was repulsed. However, having discovered that the actions of Ukrainian troops are of a local nature, the enemy corrected the artillery fire. And then there was a loss. Our left behind a few houses in the northern part of the Grouse, the houses to the south, the neighbors to the road, had to be abandoned, since the enemy's captured positions of reliable shelter from artogne did not provide.

The artillery of the enemy was not suppressed, unfortunately. Our batteries were firing on the enemy, but only in response to Russian shelling, and unfortunately, the infantry could not be covered. However, the enemy reserves that came up.

Tactical reserves of the enemy were concentrated for a counterattack, but nothing could be done. Well worked out our mortar batteries.

Even according to the enemy's reports, their losses are much greater than ours.

Based on the results of the battle. The 93rd Brigade continued to advance and occupy the gray zone. Russian mercenaries completely lost the battle for the gray zone in this region. Conditions have been created for further operations - several fine lines have been set up to defeat the enemy in a number of sectors.

Russian troops can be successfully beaten. Here, in the Gully and Crimean area, this is proved for the first time. However, to do it professionally, you need will, competent planning, and applying a few large forces on a wider front. The enemy is much inferior to us in the forces, but due to maneuver and the concentration of scarce reserves on threatened areas is resisting. Contact battles mercenaries can not stand.

At the moment, we know the name of one of our deceased warrior - a 32-year-old Vladimir Laikov, from the village of Golubivka in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Eternal memory of the fallen death of the brave in battle for a tiny piece of Ukrainian land in the Luhansk region.

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