Broadcasting of the Ukrainian radio started in the occupied Donbass

08 June 2017, 06:39 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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Thus, broadcasting in the occupied regions has already started - during the work of the Commission for Resumption Affairs at IIP - was told on June 7 in the IIP press service. It is known that as early as the third day in n. Kramatorsk, in the course of the meeting with the participation of representatives of the IIP, the Council for TV and Radio Broadcasting, presented the launch of the broadcasting of the First Channel of the Radio of Ukraine in the occupied regions.

According to the Minister of Information Policy, broadcasting is carried out with the help of a transmitter that was previously provided for IIP by representatives of BBG.

As reported URA-Inform, previously was named the percentage of songs in Ukrainian on the national radio.

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