In Kiev, an Anti-Defamation League office may appear

07 June 2017, 15:12 | The Company
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People's Deputy of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee Alexander Feldman initiated the opening of the office of the Anti-Defamation League in Kiev.

He said this on the results of a working visit to the United States.

According to him, the possibility of opening a Ukrainian office was discussed during a meeting with representatives of the Anti-Defamation League in New York.

"The anti-defamation league now operates in many countries around the world. The basis of its activities is monitoring, within which hate speech and hatred are documented, the activity of right-wing radical groups is monitored, and education is provided for conducting various seminars and trainings for law enforcement agencies, for public activists, for teachers and university teachers. These trainings explain what "hate speech", "hate speech", "hate crime" is, what is their social danger, how to investigate such crimes, what place in preventing such crimes and in working with victims can have Cooperation with non-governmental organizations, "says the People's Deputy.

According to him, more than 100,000 policemen took part in the relevant trainings in the USA alone.

"The anti-defamation league is ready to work in Ukraine, ready to carry out monitoring activities. The organization's activists also offered to organize and conduct appropriate training for Ukrainian policemen, "said Alexander Feldman.

Recall Anti-Defamation League - founded in 1913 in the US non-governmental Jewish organization. The main objective of ADL is to support educational and educational programs aimed at combating racial intolerance, combating anti-Semitism as a political phenomenon, monitoring cases of anti-Semitism around the world. The annual budget of the organization is $ 50 million.

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