Poltorak presented awards to ATU fighters who undergo treatment in Georgia

07 June 2017, 15:10 | The Company
photo glavnoe.ua
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Pid hour ofіtsіynogo vіzitu to Gruzіі head vіtchiznyanogo defense vіdomstva armії General of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak vіdvіdav Vіyskovy reabіlіtatsіyny center іmenі Natsіonalnogo Hero of Gruzії Marіam (Maro) Makashvіlі in Gruzії that zustrіvsya іz vіyskovosluzhbovtsyami Zbroynih Forces of Ukraine, SSMSC passing psihologіchnu reabіlіtatsіyu in zaznachenomu Tsentrі.

Під час спілкування з бійцями та лікарями реабілітацінний закладу міністр офії України Stepan Poltorak having fenced 15 Ukrainian viscose services in outlandish cities with those grotesque premioms.

- Dyakuyu for her husband's patriotism! Mi pisashaemsya you! - saying the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. - Chanting, passing through the rock and the dignity of the future will be written by you for those who slandered the Ukraine, - said General of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak.

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