Zrada vs Peremoga: the reason for dividing Ukrainians into two camps is named

31 May 2017, 06:27 | The Company
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Manipulation of public opinion led to the division of Ukrainians in social networks into two opposing camps "Zrada" and "Peremoga". This is one of the signs that a stratification has occurred in society.

Such an opinion on the air "The Observer. LIVE "was expressed by a psychologist, an expert on non-verbal communication Valentin Kim.

According to him, in such conditions, behavioral reactions in humans are simplified.

"If the issue is not in the focus of the public's conscious interest, if it is introduced from the outside, then the behavior patterns of people vary greatly," said the expert..

As an example, Kim led a heated discussion in society regarding the language issue.

"As soon as manipulation and targeted action begins, the number of behaviors is impoverished, they become less - either for or against," the psychologist noted..

He stressed that in such situations, all the intermediate options disappear and the person takes this or that side.

As reported by the "Observer", Kim explained how Ukrainians are involved in the information war.

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Based on materials: youtube.com

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