In Lviv garbage has not yet been exported from 310 sites

31 May 2017, 04:17 | The Company
photo УРА-Информ
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Speech - about the sites that relate to the housing fund. This means that garbage has not yet been exported from 25 percent of the total number of sites. This information was disseminated by the management of the Lviv City Council housing facilities. In particular, the waste has not yet been removed from 12 sites of the Zheleznodorozhny district, and also in the Sikhovsky district - from the 91st site - was noted in the city council.

It is also known that the sites in Galicia have already been cleared of the waste. As you know, the country is already introducing a new system for collecting plastic bottles.

As reported URA-Inform, near Poltava burned waste dump.

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