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08 May 2017, 17:32 | The Company
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In 1939 rotsi on the Ukrainian land came the scorching heat of the Otherworldly wines - one of the most tragic tragedies in the history of the people. Oskilki at that time did not mali svoїї derzhavnostі, it came to our people very much in 1939 and was attacked by the government of Nimeccini on Poland, in the warehouse of the anchorage Zakhidna Ukraina. In the worms of 1941, the hell of fire was hunted by our earthly poins. Tsya vіyna flooded the roof of the piсvsvіtu, але неббіше victims було саме серед українців.

Hiba thought the veterans of the Druzhba svitovoї vіny, scho live to dnіv, if їхні онуки the great-grandson vynvatimut - ziz Kremlіvskim Hitler сьогодення? !!.

І в ці дні роковин, і повсякчас викликає смуток Decal talk:.

Apelyuyuchi to patriotism, decorrі people zaklikayut not shanuvati veteransі Othera svіtovoї vіnyi. Do not assimilate, people who have lost so few, did not fight "for their homeland! For Stalin!", But for their dignity, for their homeland. Shchu tsi people rizikuvali zhottyam, zdorovyom i libertyu, fought with the Nazi regime, z yakim borovsya uves' tsivilizovany svit. Вішати на цих дідусів і бабусь злочини сталінського терору - absolute no brain. Zreshtoyu, bagato frontovikiv himself suffered from a repressive machine Сталіна у повоєнні роки.

Проросійські сили намагаються всіляко політизувати spogadi about Friend svitovu vіynu, about the help on nazism. Їhnya sproiba spend 9 herbs separatist shabashi, yakі in dіysnosti not miyut nichogo spіlnogo іz vshanuvannyam veterans, and navpaks є znushchanyam over them і glum on їхнім feat.

In Ukraine, yak і in the Baghdah of the smaller powers, it is a pity, sospilstvo to finish m'yako reaguy over the ganebnym yavishche, if the "ryazhen" veterans, yakis were born already vysiny vinyni, obvyshutsya "lipovi" orders, chekayuchi vіtan і podarunkіv. Tse not losing the muffled over the time, hto really waging. Do bugatooh vipadkah "ryazheni" - staff activities of the Communist Party of the same pro-Russian forces. The reason їхньої activity at point 2.

Ukrainians fought with Nazism at the warehouse of the Ukrainian Army of Armenia. By virtue of bugatokh istorichnih obstavin, bagatorichnogo vichornennya UPA radyans'kyu i rosіysskoyu propagation, the process of reconciliation of Ukrainians, yakis fought in the different armies - to deliver the important and boring. That if bachish, yak veterans-chervonoarmiitsy shake hands veterans-upivtsyam - serce spovnene joy. Вони зі схилу прожитих літ знатьть мудрість розуміти, що Україна in us alone. And grief-polotiki і даі canchyatsya mіzh soboyu, polivyuchi brood that veterans of the UPA, then chervonoarminytsiv.

In the course of the full-fledged development of the most importantly and critically important regions of Russia and the world,. Замість пошуку політичних дивідентів раджу і Word, і ділом шанувати ветеранів Other Svіtvії vіny, shanuvati veteranіv російсько-української війни на Донбасі.

The veteran tankist, the celebrities likar Іон Деген, який, to my dullness, died, wrote nykrashchy virsh about the Friend svitovu. In 2015, Degen Buv at Moskvy, de yomu was asked to provoke the pittance of the schodo of Ukraine, on the sho vin, the mother of the yogi. Batkivshchina and not shanuvati vine can not. And about the vein Degene writing in 1944 році пронизливо до кісток:.

My comrade, in deadly agony.

Do not call friends in vain..

Let me warm my palms better. Over the steaming blood of yours..

Do not cry, do not groan, you're not small, You're not hurt, you're just killed.

Let me take off your felt boots.

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