Krim, Donbas: історія їх not navchila

08 May 2017, 01:20 | The Company
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Koli wanted Krim and falsifikuvali referendum, and Vijskov's commanders on the Donbas zdali own part of it at once, and I got a visa for Rosiye, I made a decision to buy Galichini from 1939 rotsi. Todi tazh falsified the referendum, people zhanyali yak thinness on vyborchі дільниці, and nevdovzі почалась зачистка. Mene viniklo lognichnaya pitaniya: yakshcho ouri vіys'kovi partni, ymih mi mysyats pylnuvali, do not start up on the Maidan, to behave this way before the sale of separatists, then why do not we have those ones? Nіколи не кажи ніколи. Tehnologii teroru interobed fundamental human rights, manipuluyut інстинктами, то опиратися ім можуть лише одиниці. Do not let the head of the head to the terror itself, do not get caught up in it. In 1941, three thysya v'yazniv from Peremishly enkavedity led to Dobromil. The stinkers could vryatuvatis, yakbi rozbіglisya. Ale have been told to lead a robot. І їх всіх rolled up and thrown in salt mine. Інша column в'язнів йшла з Gorodok. "Do you want to lead us?". "To death", - in the convoy. І всі кинулися врозтіч.

Ніхто з жителів Donbas does not have any prejudices, scho sidimime in pidvalah, hovaychis vіd obstrіlіv. The stinkers did not know the stories, they did not know, but the invasion of the Byzantine Empire brought looting, violence and hunger, and killed the sons, and the daughter cursed. Ті, хто розумів небезпеку, втекли відразу. And that, hto huddled up, tse - statori. (Sjogodny i zdam susіda, shob vin tomorrow not zdav mene). Або розстріляні за оптив. Зраджені армією, владою, вони оттожнють цю зраду з Україною. "And what has your Ukraine given?" - to rope the lion,. Chi Poltava, chi terpole. Wongs є everywhere. Ready to bow to yourself, I vbivtsi, yakshcho that poobitsyya, scho not vbivatime, and primee on the robot. Tse pruzhe nepriestno chuti. I do not want to rozumoti, scho zovsim not patrioti Galicini strimuyut prihid vinyi na tsyu land, promyslovisty anchovy for the rocks Nezalezhnostі tsilkom znishchili i vigali people for zabobytki. Tse part of the strategy of the Moscow monster - prippati pilnist, zaohotiti viddati інфіковані русифікацією і соськом території ворогу, а тоді по шматках з'їдати Україна. Chi think our Galician separatist, scho їх забере Polsі під своє крило? A yakshcho referendum about prieprennannya organizuvati? Skilki for the voice of the voters? Navit is not a pincer, hiba scho visagatimme a Moscow curator? Bagato. Uyavivshi sobі allі принади життя в Євросоюзі. Тільки зрадників туди ніхто не прийме. And Zakarpattya, de schaslivno pochuvayutsya yak moskvsky, and progorsky separatisty? There kuzhe actively pratsyuvalo KDB, and now the FSB, і більшість Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Sympathetic Ukraine there is not so bagatoes, we wanted to be. On tsepratyuvali tenitiltyami agents of the Kremlin. To mean, we do not want any more, we do not have such scenarios. Scenario 1939 roku gotuvavsya moskvofilami at 19 tablets, і skilki perepsuvav golіv, nakotto osvіcheni, ale not wise.

Mi sobi naivit is not ulyavlyaemo, yak tsezhi ti teritoriї teroru, de chitko rozpodileny rol: te ko kato, abo victim. For bugatoh at once potentiyno. I do not want to attract Galicians, Lisha sporodity, scho teror, widen the yak of plague, and at once our lives, and our honesty, zahischayut us vidnogo. І цілу Європу. Від терору, а не від тих, хто живе під ним, безправний, беззаисний чи ошуканий. Potrbno gotuvatis to pokupennya okuponavih lands, shchob tsi people knew, but for evil do not go to the law. I shcho trebya nablistzhat deokupatsyu, and not just check to the arrival of vozvolitelіv. Yakshto zrektysya Krima and Donbas, then tse bude vnichno bilshoyu vtratoyu, nizh trivale virivnyuvannya vidminosti mizh regions, yaki perebuvali pіd komunistichnim teror bіls chi menshe. Це - капітуляція і програна війна. Deokupatsіya meaning is not deprived of a cordon, but the decommissioning of that Ukraine, and to that of the treasury of the gutuvati mezhkantciv Donbas and Krima. Hai tse will not become ungodly for them.

Gotuvati people, PI ptsyuvatimutt there at the sovereign structures of Vlad, Osvity, Kulturi. Vlada at tsyomu to behave itself is easy, not scraping, hto hvoriy, and hto more healthy. Її inadequate, can, and not inadequate - just a primitive інстинкт виживання і розноження. ALE THEN Vzhe інша topic.

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