Prince Harry and Megan Markle almost died on the way to Amsterdam

16 October 2018, 17:35 | Show Business
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A terrible incident happened to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.. According to one of the foreign publications, the plane in which Prince Harry and his wife Megan Markle flew hit lightning.

It happened at the end of last month, but the press became aware only now, since the spouses' visit to Amsterdam was secret. Western media reported some details of the incident, namely:

the thunderbolt hit the front of the plane and only miraculously did not touch the navigation equipment. Through the fuselage of the aircraft has passed the discharge voltage of 30 million volts.

Pilots managed to land safely. However, Harry and Megan flew back on another plane, which they rented at their own expense, paying $ 26,000 for the flight..

We will remind, earlier we wrote that the retired couple was named from the show “Tatsі s zirkami-2018”, which again returned to the project.

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