Rihanna declassified her new lover

22 June 2018, 13:48 | Show Business
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American pop star Rihanna for a long time was not sad about parting with the billionaire from Saudi Arabia Hassan Jameel, finding solace in the arms of the famous handsome.

So, a number of Western publications write that 30-year-old Ree meets with the 32-year-old star of the vampire movie "Twilight" Robert Pattinson. It is reported that the stars have already had several secret visits in Los Angeles and New York.

It is interesting that a couple of friends introduced a couple of months ago, a common friend - singer Katy Perry. Rihanna and Robert have long been in love with each other, but until now they have not been able to come together. Now they are both free and ready for a relationship.

"Cathy thought they would be perfect for each other," writes the tabloid "Woman's Day".

Recall, previously nude Selena Gomez ate the eye and terrified the fans.

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