Victoria and David Beckham brought neighbors to despair

03 April 2018, 15:12 | Show Business
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Construction work on the estate belonging to the star couple Victoria and David Beckham, brought residents of the surrounding mansions crazy.

"Trying to rest in such conditions is like trying to doze off under the rumble of artillery fire ..." - said one of the neighbors. At the same time, he added that the noise in the Beckham sector has not ceased for more than a year and a half.

It all started with the fact that in December 2016 the Beckham purchased a plot of land for 6 million pounds sterling with three buildings standing on it. Then the couple conceived, leaving only these walls, turn them into one big mansion, connecting different parts with glass corridors. It was planned to build a house where there would be six bedrooms, and around the mansion to break a picturesque garden.

Having received permission from the local architectural department for perestroika (since the buildings were old and protected, and they could not be demolished completely), they ordered the beginning of work. But last summer, Victoria ordered the stop of construction. The wife of David said that she does not like much of it. The main stumbling block was the roof of the house - Victoria did not like her look and color, and she ordered her to disassemble. Further, she decided that she wanted to change the location of the five doors and replace 36 windows.

Then I had to create a new project at home.

Now work on the grounds of the estate of the couple reached the outdoor works - the construction of a swimming pool and the construction of an open pavilion in the garden. But the patience of the Beckham neighbors, among whom many well-off and well-known people, has already run out. Now they collect signatures to file a collective petition in court.

Recall, earlier Ryan Reynolds commented on problems in his marriage to Blake Lively.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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