Star of "Sex and the City" earned on insult

03 April 2018, 13:44 | Show Business
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Star of the series "Sex and the City" Cynthia Nixon insulted, however, instead of being upset, the actress figured out how to make money on it.

After Cynthia said that she was running for Governor of New York, politician Christine Quinn in a recent interview for the New York Post criticized the actress, calling her "unskilled lesbian".

"Cynthia Nixon was opposed to a lesbian with the appropriate qualifications became the mayor of New York.

Now she wants the unskilled lesbian to become the governor of New York. You need to have the qualifications and experience. She does not have the qualifications to be a governor, "said Christine.

Then Nixon published this insult on the badges, and now all the money from their sale will go into her election campaign.

Note that Quinn, who is also a lesbian, nominated her candidacy for mayor in New York in 2013, but the Democratic Party elected Bill de Blazy, who ultimately won the election.

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